Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pick Barkley's Halloween costume!

Our dog park is located on land owned by a nursing home. Every Halloween (and Christmas) a bunch of dog park members take their dogs to visit the nursing home residents, with all the dogs dressed up in costumes. We're thinking of going this year with Barkley (and also walking him around in the costume all day Halloween, cause hey, it's fun and it makes people smile)

So, help us figure out what Barkley should wear this year!

Here is our lovely Barkley.

Shall he dress as:

Lobster Dog?


Pirate Dog, AKA Captain Bark?

The Joker?

Vote in the poll on the right side of this page! :)


  1. Hmm, my Flying Spaghetti Monsterist side wants me to urge you towards the Pirate option, but I'm not sure if dog pirates will reduce global warming to the same extent as human ones... ;)

  2. Argh,

    A pet peeve of mine. I don't understand peoples need to put clothing on their pets.

  3. well i don't understand people's need to be all cranky and serious and not enjoy pets in costumes. :)

  4. well thats the thing, dressing pets, (that are not meant to wear clothes) for our own enjoyment. I mean, look at that bulldog. How miserable does he look. I just bet he wishes that was a real hook :P

  5. my dog wears clothes all the time- in the winter, whenever we go out. When we don't put him in a sweater in the winter he shivers and is miserable and tries to go in right away, but when he wears a sweater he is happy and walks normally. He's never had a problem wearing a sweater, so I don't see why wearing a costume would be different. Of course if he starts acting like it is making him miserable we wouldn't force him to keep it on.

    and all bulldogs look miserable, that's just what their faces look like. :)

  6. What a fabulous idea! I am sure the seniors really love and appreciate it. If I had to pick I would go with lobster dog.

  7. I vote for Lobster Dog, which would be ironic, considering the religion in which you were raised.

  8. oh yeah sharkley won, the costume has been ordered. :)


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