Friday, July 24, 2009

Homemade Pizza!

We made pizza last night- my half had caramelized red onions and fresh basil from my herb garden (I sauteed the onions while the dough was rising), B's half had regular pepperoni and turkey pepperoni (yes, 2 kinds of pepperoni!). It was pretty easy and not very messy, except for the flour I got everywhere- next time I definitely need to use less flour to flour the pan :). We liked it so much we're making it again tomorrow! I think I'm going to try feta cheese and raw red onions and sliced kalamata olives as toppings on my half next time. Or maybe I'll find something intriguing at the farmer's market.

Meanwhile, I'm a little sad I'm not at the Gathering of the Vibes festival right now- but not too sad. I had been on the fence about it, especially as it's pretty expensive ($200 for a ticket + gas + food), but since I can't drive the new rental car, I can't go. But we're going to have an awesome weekend nonetheless- tomorrow we're going to the farmer's market and we're going to make more pizza tomorrow night, and we'll probably go see the new Harry Potter movie at some point. Plus it'll nice to be home for a few non-work days, since I haven't been in nearly a month!

Pizza Dough:
1.5 tsp yeast
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 cup WARM water
1.25 cups white flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
1.5 tbs olive oil

Dissolve yeast in warm water (let sit for a few minutes). Add salt and oil and mix. Add flour, and knead dough for a couple of minutes until it looks like dough and isn't crumbly. Let the dough rise for 30-40 minutes.

Roll dough out on a floured surface until it's about the size of a 12 inch pizza. Remember to make a crust (using your fingers).

Using a spatula (or two), put the rolled-out dough onto a floured pizza pan or floured regular pan- we used the back of a cookie sheet and made the pizza a kind of oblong shape. Important: Move the pizza dough to the pan BEFORE adding any sauce or toppings onto it!

Add tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese on top, try to spread the sauce and cheese evenly.
Add whatever toppings you want
sprinkle 1/2 tsp rosemary and 1.5 tsp oregano on top

bake at 425 for 15-20 minutes until crust is brown and crisp
LET COOL for a few minutes before eating or you will burn your mouth!

Recipe from Barbara Kingsolver. It's around 2-3 servings per pizza if you aren't eating any side dishes with it- we cut ours into 8 pieces and had 3 pieces each and 2 leftover. 2 pizza's would definitely feed 5 people.


  1. It gets easier, almost second nature. I use the dough from Mark Bittman's How To Cook Everything. Except for my family of 8 I was using a triple recipe, which was 9 cups of flour. I had to increase even more because the boys wanted it for breakfast too...

    [OK, there might be some leftovers, but we do eat a lot.]

  2. I make it every week, mostly Wednesday ... such an easy dinner.

  3. To produce tomato sauce:
    Put 2-3 tomatoes in boiling water for 1 minute, pour cold water over them, peel them (skin comes off easily now), add 1 clove of garlick and 1 onion, crush in blender till it is a smooth sauce. Add salt and pepper.

    (Somehow you have to thicken it, but I have not yet found out about this).

    Don't put too much of it on the pizza.
    Drink the rest as Gazpacho or tomato juice.


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