Monday, August 11, 2008


I do NOT have the BRCA1 mutation! I won the genetic lottery! HELLS YES!!!


  1. That is the best thing I've heard in a long while! Congratulations! I'll bet you feel like you can breathe for the first time in weeks. Months?
    I'm so glad for you.

  2. Congratulations!! I am so happy for you.

  3. That's wonderful news.

  4. Congrats on the great news! May you and B live a long, happy and healthy life together.

  5. What are the odds of a false negative?

  6. The chances of a false negative is smaller than 1 percent, according to the info they gave me.

  7. Smaller than one percent could mean that 1 in every 101 "you don't have BRCA1" letters they send out is wrong. Get the real false positives rate, for your own sake. You're probably in the clear, but why not be as sure as possible?

  8. Dude. You want me to pay $500 to get another genetic test? It was negative. I trust that it is negative. The p value is smaller than .01, that's enough for me.

  9. I didn't suggest another test! I just said find out what the real false negative rate is.

  10. I did! It's less than 1%. The false positive rate is also less than 1% (in a report I found it said the false positive rate is 0%)

  11. Anonymous, you're such a downer! Can't you be happy for Eden for 5 minutes and look at the good side of things instead of the bad side? She went from having a 50/50 chance of having a horrible genetic mutation to the news that she doesn't have it - and there's a 1% chance that news is not correct. 99 or 100 chances (I'm not the statistician here) that she doesn't have it, 1 in 100 that she does. Eden - go & live your life and be happy, there's 1 less thing to worry about now.

  12. mazal tov! may you always be blessed with good health!

  13. (temporarily delurking)

    Congrats, AE, that's wonderful news. I'm extremely happy for you!!!

    And while I'm delurcking, I just want to say I really enjoy your blog - you come across as very courageous and mature, I'm so sorry your parents put their own beliefs in front of being able to simply be proud and supportive of you.

  14. Just to be sure, I'd go all out, drop 1G on 2 more tests, then also give 1/2 of next year's salary to Friends of Lubavitch.

    If You go to your parents and say "I got an A", only an A-hole would say "Go back to your teacher and take another test, just to make sure you're smart, oh and find out if your teacher is an honest fellow, they might be lying", instead of a simple "Congrats".

    Congrats, Anonymous. You're on the A-hole list for the day.

  15. Yippee!!!

    I am jealous but happy for you!

  16. Congrats!!!

    Too bad you don't believe in Gd, otherwise you'd claim it a miracle and deduce that you have a certain mission to complete.

  17. Congrats!!!

    Too bad you don't believe in Gd, otherwise you'd claim it a miracle and deduce that you have a certain mission to complete.

  18. Congrats! I'm happy to hear the good news :o)


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